User Permissions by Role
These are roles within the Notarization Platform, and have the following preset permissions by default:
- Has all permissions enabled by default
Standard User
Remote Online Notarization (RON)
- Can send a new notarization
- User can view general queue
- User can preview a document in general queue
- User has permissions to view electronic journal
- Can edit an existing notarization
- Can send a new notarization
- User can see all documents
- User can add signers in session
- User can add witnesses in session
- User can view general queue
- User can preview document in general queue
- User can view RON completed documents
- User can view original documents
- User can view audio/video recording
- User has permissions to view electronic journal
- Can see other users sessions
- View details of other users completed RON session
- Can tag esign orders
- Can send a new esign request
- View esign orders
- Assign tagger for esign sessions
- User can view general queue
- User can preview document in general queue
Read Only
- User can view general queue
- User can preview document in general queue
Lead Notary
- No permissions are currently set by default. It is intended that these permissions will be updated by the org based on their desired functionality.
- Can tag RON orders
- Can assign a RON session to a tagger
- Can tag esign orders
- Assign tagger for esign session
- Can tag esign orders
- User can view esign completed documents
- Can send a new esign reguest
- User can view all documents in an esign order
- User can view original documents in an esign order
- User has permission to view esign order
- View details of other user’s completed esign orders
- Edit esign sessions
- Assign tagger for esign sessions
User Management
- Can view user management
- Can edit user information
- Can delete user
- Can view notary management
- Can add a new notary
- Can edit notaries
- Can edit user information
- Can delete user
- Can view notary management
- Can add new notaries
- Can edit notaries
- Can delete notaries
- Can edit permissions roles
- Can edit user role
- Can add new users
- User has permissions to create new role
Adjusting Permissions for a Role
There is functionality to adjust these rolls by performing the following:
- Select the role you would like to adjust settings for:
- Once you have chosen the roll to adjust, first enable the permission set you would like to adjust by turning it on, and then select the carrot icon to expand the minor permissions within the enabled permission set. Then you can enable/disable any minor permissions within the set: